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Private hire Curborough sprint track
zxrlocost - 11/1/06 at 03:13 PM

To anyone who is interested I am as soon as my car is road worthy not necc registered taking my car to curborough sprint track in Lichfield for a test morning
its a very well looked after airfield and they have put in some bends and a back on yourself so its more like a mini track

not the best site but gives an idea

Im hoping to do this late next month

for a full morning its 200 pounds per car

the chap would like 5 cars per session

I think this is an absolute bargain for getting used to your car setting it up etc
without loads of others around
plus only 5 cars in total for the whole track taking it in turns

anyone interested?


hes not that bothered about noise either!!!!

Bluemoon - 11/1/06 at 03:25 PM

I think you mean:

oliwb - 11/1/06 at 03:33 PM

Dunno if anyone has checked out Knockhill....they do organised track days, there's 2 to choose from Hothatch at £35 a day (10am - 4pm) think its an open pit lane arrangement (dodgy fiesta's turn up tho!) or a hot marques day fro cars £10K or more at (£75 a day 10am - 4pm) open pit lane again.....there's a £5 charge for helmet hire (or you can use your own) Additional drivers are charged at half price....its a very cheap day! Haven't been to one myself yet so can't rate it but it can't be that bad for the money....oh and there's no noise limit at knockhill either!!! Oli.

zxrlocost - 11/1/06 at 03:33 PM

I even spelt it right everywhere else

zxrlocost - 11/1/06 at 03:35 PM

oli theres a big difference between lichfield and knockhill

350 miles

Bluemoon - 11/1/06 at 03:36 PM

mak - 11/1/06 at 03:55 PM

£35 thats a good deal!

anywhere a bit more south?

Daxrushv6 - 11/1/06 at 03:55 PM

Havnt been for a few years but the last time i went to a hot hatch day at Knockhill it was £35 per outing may have changed but cant see it being 35 for the whole day. And those dodgy fiestas usually have 300bhp cosworth engines in them certainly put my MI16 309 to shame.

Paul G - 11/1/06 at 04:15 PM

Well I've sent off my SVA application with a requested date of the 9th Feb so hopefully I'll have passed and be on the road then, and I work in Lichfield so curborough is handy for me. £200 does seem quite expensive though, maybe pester the missus to treat me to it for an early birthday prezzie!

zxrlocost - 11/1/06 at 04:26 PM

paul it is a lot of money but think of the time you can have in your car to test out without loads of people around

of course if anyone knows of any others which are in the midlands and like above tell me

I know there is proper track days but I was looking at a bit quieter to have a toy with the car

also its all very well telling us knockhill is 35 quid to people 350 miles away

but its like someone saying to me Ive got some r1 engines 50 quid

"ok ill have one"

you could but I aint got none in stock

well it dont matter how cheap they are then does it if they aint in stock!!!

Spyderman - 11/1/06 at 04:47 PM

You could take part in a timed event for half the price!
With that you get 4 maybe 5 excursions round the track plus all the other competitors to chat to and help you with set-up.


zxrlocost - 11/1/06 at 05:38 PM

i thought 200 quid to have basically the track to yourself 4 cars aint exactly much was good ill phone everywhere els and see what they offer

Paul (Notts) - 11/1/06 at 06:35 PM

If my car was ready I would jump at the chance for a day setting it up and putting it through its paces, even if it cost £200.

A full day with just 4 other cars and no pressure .....

sounds good to me

will keep it in mind for nest year..

oliwb - 11/1/06 at 06:37 PM

It's £35 for the day 10am - 4pm (don't know how many cars are allowed on track, or how many are there in total) - wasn't meaning to annoy ppl but:
£200 is twice the amount I've ever even heard of ppl paying! For that much you could probably trailer your car to knockhill and raz it round the track for the its a proper track not an airfield type one....If you can get even further you can get onto airfield days practicaly for free! Banff for example....As I said I'm not trying to annoy anyone but you should be aware that it is a hurrendous amount of money for what you'll be getting! Again sorry if I've annoyed anyone but hey....thats what forums are for (oh and exchange usefull information and making contacts - of course!).....Sorry Oli.

oliwb - 11/1/06 at 06:39 PM

Just to further the rant - Knockhill £35 for FULL day
£200 for half day.....can't help but think that the guy who owns the place is making a bucket load of cash at other ppl's expense....sorry.....Oli.

zilspeed - 11/1/06 at 09:58 PM

And as I've said elsewhere, sprint and hillclimb tracks are available for much less than that in Scotland.

zxrlocost - 11/1/06 at 10:30 PM

Oli I went to get my engine from aberdeen and knockhill was on the way

Never again hours to get there etc

when its 100 quid to 150 quid for a trackday

and he wants 200 for the whole track max 5 cars

I thought that was a good deal and ITS 10 miles away

but please tell me these other places I could go I know of oulton park locally

Im in the west mids

theres mallory aswell
If these do 35 pound thrash days please tell me!

MikeLR - 11/1/06 at 10:55 PM

Dont know if I am missing something but how can PCC advertise a French Track Weekend including Circuit/Ferry and Hotel (seemingly for two nights)for £189 per person ! Are we being ripped off once again?

mak - 11/1/06 at 11:02 PM

Brits, being ripped off?


To be fair though alot of track are going out of business, but i bet if more of them took up knockhill's cheap rag about days (even if they are aimed at boy racers) they would be doing much better.

chriscook - 11/1/06 at 11:18 PM

I have been to curborough before organised by a mate at work who hill climbs - quite a few of us at work have been at different times in vehicle ranging from a Mk1 Astra 1300S to a full on hart engined pilbeam.

I think it was £175/half day for the whole track - with up to 5 cars allowed to share it. If someone is charging £200/car they are making a LOT of money on the deal. Are you sure its not £200 for the whole track?


zxrlocost - 12/1/06 at 09:36 AM

its 200 pound for the whole track but that is each car and he has five cars
then you share the whole track

mak I totally agree more little tracks should have thrash days for 35 quid

but if most racedays are 100-150 quid by me

and he wants 200 for the whole track to just share with 4 others..

oliwb - 12/1/06 at 10:18 AM

Its still only a hald day though. Thats £2,000 per day this guy will be making for relatively little bother. I can understand its 10 miles etc etc and only 5 cars but think you'll get just as much track time on a cheaper full day arrangement. Plus theres likely to be other ppl there who can help you with your setup. I know Scotland is miles away for a lot of you I was only really using it as an example that it is entirely feasible to do it in a day from most places in Northern/Middle England and still prob for less than £400/day £200/half day. Its also a proper circuit. These airfields are all well and good and great fun to drive but their really nowhere near as good as the real thing! Anyway as long as your aware that it is a very expensive today thats enough for me. You say your taking the car pre-sva aswell so your still gonna have to trailer it there - additional cost! I agree with others about the PPC France trip - Rip-off Britain hey?! (Just another case of Scotland being one step ahead I guess - just like tuition fee's.....don't worry England will catch up eventually ) - Controversial but the Scottish ppl will prob understand what I mean....Oli.

Please don't start a Scotland vs England slagging match!

zxrlocost - 12/1/06 at 10:25 AM

oli if there was a track near me offering what you get up there for that price or even 100 pound I would think it was great
I suppose a track day would be good enough I just like the idea of hardly anyone there for that much money

Ive phoned every local track this morning and theyve got events in february ranging from 99 to 145 pounds but I know at least 25+ cars are booked on already

why doesnt some business man come up with a little track decent tarmac

and charge little amounts for thrash days
but still a decent environment in the midlands

would be packed every day

looks like a sainsburys car park set up then


oliwb - 12/1/06 at 10:43 AM

Yeh the though of only 5 cars is deffinately appealing especially if its just down the road...the only put off is the cash! Your right that someone should do something along those lines or even something like the Nurburgring where you join an orderly que (almost like parking at most inner city multi-storeys) and pay the man you 50 euro's (or however much it is now) and they let you rag around for a lap. Fair enought the nurburgring is pretty big but can't see why it wouldn't work on a smaller (car park) track....up here we tend to go for Asda carparks....or the new big park and ride car park at Kingswells - deserted pretty much 24/7 and massive expanse of nice new've gotta share with spoiler and skirt equipped XR2's though! Possible business in the making for someone with a spare race circuit in their back garden?? Oli.

Jasper - 12/1/06 at 06:29 PM

I found a regualr airfield track day for £100 gave me loads of track time to shake down the car and plenty in the Midlands

chriscook - 12/1/06 at 07:03 PM

I'd try phoning up curborough yourself and see if you can book it. I think you may have to be a member of a hillclimbing/sprint club though but it won't hurt to try for saving £165!

Believe me i wouldn't have paid more than £35 to thrash this round there, (was up there with the most fun i've ever had in a car though). I was expecting it to die but despite reving it out of the other side of the red it kept on going.... Rescued attachment dscf0114.jpg
Rescued attachment dscf0114.jpg

nre - 16/2/06 at 03:50 PM

I was at curborough last summer, paid £35 quid for the day, organised through Rugby motor club. That sounds rather better value than 200 notes for a morning...

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