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newlands revisited
theconrodkid - 11/3/09 at 10:03 AM

anyone fancy a run out this sunday (15th),weather looks passable

Fozzie - 11/3/09 at 12:29 PM

Off to Race Retro...... (business......and fun... )


martthefridgeman - 11/3/09 at 05:10 PM

ooh me me me me me.

ps do you req some money for the uxbridge show. ATB Mart

theconrodkid - 11/3/09 at 05:13 PM

can do mart,ill bring a list and tick people off this time,saves me trying to charge people twice

Johneturbo - 11/3/09 at 05:54 PM

Sounds like a plan, but i don't know where newlands is!!

i could meet near yours john?

theconrodkid - 11/3/09 at 06:40 PM

you have u2u john

Meeerrrk - 11/3/09 at 06:42 PM

perfect timing, picked my car up today after last month failed effort to meet you all at newlands.

see you there (weather permitting!)


Johneturbo - 11/3/09 at 06:52 PM

you and your dodgy links john

BenB - 11/3/09 at 07:55 PM

Might apply for planning permission from the little lady

bob - 11/3/09 at 07:57 PM

Info and directions to Newlands corner


and Map


Sorry above link for map not the red circle but drove road

[Edited on 11/3/09 by bob]

[Edited on 11/3/09 by bob]

rodders - 11/3/09 at 08:46 PM

Hi guys, what time do you meet? I need to see some completed cars to give me some inspiration to get on with mine. Any BEC's going to be along?


bob - 11/3/09 at 08:51 PM

normally 10am ish till midday 1pm ish

I'm sometimes there before 10 but depends how lively i feel

rodders - 11/3/09 at 09:03 PM

Cheers for that, I don't think I will be there before 10 as it's a bit early for me on a Sunday.


Johneturbo - 11/3/09 at 11:37 PM

Originally posted by rodders
Cheers for that, I don't think I will be there before 10 as it's a bit early for me on a Sunday.


so you need inspiration to finish your build ,and also get up early on a sunday

[Edited on 11/3/09 by Johneturbo]

James - 12/3/09 at 12:00 PM

Will see how I feel.

I have a TKD grading in Farnham in the afternoon. Gotta learn a bunch of Korean phrases before then!


Meeerrrk - 12/3/09 at 06:48 PM

james,ill be there so bar your fuel its a free morning, i havent forgot my offer of a burger and drink

James - 13/3/09 at 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Meeerrrk
james,ill be there so bar your fuel its a free morning, i havent forgot my offer of a burger and drink

Thanks mate.

Most decent of you!

Humbug - 13/3/09 at 05:34 PM

I would like to come along but it's my mother's 75th birthday and I'm supposed to be helping prepare for a lunch for her

jimgiblett - 13/3/09 at 11:37 PM

I'll be there. Need to avoid the burgers as I need to shed a few kilos for power to weight ratio

- Jim

andylancaster3000 - 14/3/09 at 01:43 PM

Would very much like to come down and get along to Newlands tomorrow but can't afford the time at the moment

Would have finally been able to get a Locost along to it too!

Meeerrrk - 14/3/09 at 05:41 PM

weather is looking good, had the car out today and all seems good so ill see you chaps there

bob - 14/3/09 at 06:03 PM

Looks like it could be a good turn out, i think i will pack the camera.

bob - 14/3/09 at 06:22 PM

I have asked mrs bob as i always do but the weather has to be near tropical for her to even think about getting in the car

Johneturbo - 14/3/09 at 07:26 PM

I may have my wing girl with me too

or lucy the satnav girl

Meeerrrk - 14/3/09 at 08:08 PM

LOL the reason i enjoy using my car often is that mrs meeerrrk refuses to go anywhere near it

bob - 15/3/09 at 06:24 PM

nice meeting and great weather,great to see everyone as usual and some (even though i hate to say it) great to see 3 very good BEC cars jim mark and john in very well built cars. Rescued attachment newlands 15-03-09 006.jpg
Rescued attachment newlands 15-03-09 006.jpg

bob - 15/3/09 at 06:25 PM

and again Rescued attachment newlands 15-03-09 004.jpg
Rescued attachment newlands 15-03-09 004.jpg

bob - 15/3/09 at 06:26 PM

the view Rescued attachment newlands 15-03-09 002.jpg
Rescued attachment newlands 15-03-09 002.jpg

martthefridgeman - 15/3/09 at 07:22 PM

loved the MNR, fantastic car. Mart Rescued attachment P1010341small.JPG
Rescued attachment P1010341small.JPG

Meeerrrk - 15/3/09 at 07:32 PM

was a good morning, hopefully do it more often this year.

yes loved the red MNR, top car that one

jimgiblett - 15/3/09 at 07:57 PM

Nice too see all you guys. Sorry I had to fly but son was starting to miss his xbox.

James, hope you got at least a B+ in your gradings

- Jim

Meeerrrk - 15/3/09 at 08:12 PM

nice to meet you too jim, never had a look at a fury before, liked yours alot. they make more sense than the 7 for a road car IMO!


PS love the "warning" stickers!!

Johneturbo - 15/3/09 at 08:28 PM

Great to meet all you guys and see your cars
now i know where it is, i'll try and make a few more

i think if i was to build a non 7 type car i'd go for a fury with a BE of course.

great pic Mart shame i spoil the mnr a bit!!

James - 15/3/09 at 10:57 PM

Ok, I was lame being so late.... again!

But really enjoyed it anyway. Not sure the marks yet Jim but think I passed!

Glad I managed to re-aquaint two old colleagues as well!

Fingers crossed for more weather like that... oh and me getting a job so I can afford to put mine on the road again!


[Edited on 15/3/09 by James]

Humbug - 16/3/09 at 07:27 AM

Sorry I missed it - looked like a good meet! Hopefully next time then


jimgiblett - 16/3/09 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Meeerrrk
PS love the "warning" stickers!!

They were courtesy of Clare Rule at last years Laon Montee Historique Rallye. My missus didnt approve

- Jim